Purple Jade

Purple Jade (San Francisco, CA)

A lovely afternoon with a favorite friend who lives on one of my favorite streets in one of my favorite cities. It was raining buckets, but even the darkest blossoms seemed to find some fun.

Orange Equinox

Orange Equinox (Bay Area, CA)

When the clouds parted for a few hours this afternoon, the hills were amazingly green but this little patch of orange caught my eye. Happy Spring Equinox!

Storm Brewing

Storm Brewing (Monterey, CA)

The coast along this stretch of highway is incredibly beautiful. Even when the fog rolls in, it’s perfect for a quiet, brooding walk along a cold and windy beach.

White Orchid

White Orchid (Bay Area, CA)

“Flowers…are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all for the beauty of their character, though few can decipher even fragments of their meaning.” -Lydia M. Child