Old Acorn

Old Acorn (Bay Area, CA)

“I tell you everything that is really nothing, and nothing of what is everything, do not be fooled by what I am saying. Please listen carefully and try to hear what I am not saying.”

-Charles C. Finn

Older Bro

Older Bro Graffiti (Bay Area, CA)

I found an old, abandoned building today so my homey girl, I’m calling her “Yoyo Jill-Z” these days, agreed to come watch my back while I climbed through the gates and up a dark stairwell. Actually, I made her go first – hey, I’m no fool! When we got upstairs, we found a bright red heart…and a few other things!

GG Sunrise

Cavalo Point Pier (San Francisco)

I was sitting in early morning traffic when, without thinking, I randomly took an exit that I’ve rarely taken before…and before i knew it, I was hopping over rocks and stepping around seagull poop – in heels and a business suit. It was too early for the tourists so I had the beach all to myself! Nice way to start the day…but tomorrow I think I’ll sleep in.


Stacked (Bay Area, CA)

“I had three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.”

-Henry David Thoreau